Meetings & Events Across the Field
Conferences, workshops, and training from the stem cell and regenerative medicine community. The ISSCR is not responsible for events listed, but provides them as a service to the field.

University of Copenhagen PhD Course: Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Gene-editing and Brain Cell Models
This course is an opportunity to get hands on experience in handling induced pluripotent stem cells as well as differentiating those into neural and glial cells. Learn how to repair or knock in single nucleotides using CRISPR-Cas9 in practice and theory and gain experience with growing 3D retinal organoids.

1st Spermatogenesis Conference: Male Germ Cells: From Stem Cells To Diseases
The 1st Spermatogenesis Conference will gather academic and industrial experts focusing on exploring recent advances in understanding the biology of different phases in a variety of animal models as well as how epigenetic and genetic abnormalities may underlie transmission of diseases and fertility disorder in humans.
Have a suggestion for events, conferences, workshops, and training from the stem cell and regenerative medicine community we should feature? Fill out the form below to have the event considered.