Member Spotlight: Jun Wu, PhD
What truly thrills me about our work is how our curiosity leads to discoveries that open the door to novel tools and methodologies, broadening our understanding of the natural world in ways previously unimaginable.

Member Spotlight: Ludovic Vallier, PhD
To see the [ISSCR 2024 Annual Meeting] back in Europe is a great news. Especially since Hamburg is very close to Berlin. In fact, the ISSCR 2024 [meeting] will be our lab retreat and we are planning several “team building” activities. So, this should be fun. I also look forward to reconnect with friends and collaborators and to hear great science.

Member Spotlight: Elaine Fuchs, PhD
ISSCR is a wonderful international community of colleagues. Science has no borders and scientists are in many ways able to cut across political boundaries, and admire and learn from each other no matter where we live and work.

Member Spotlight: Deniz Goekbuget, PhD
Stay passionate about the research you do and remember that negative and positive results are equally important in guiding you towards a deeper understanding of your biological problem.

Member Spotlight: Silvia Velasco, PhD
Being part of ISSCR has been fundamental in making me feel part of the global stem cell community. I enjoy receiving ISSCR news updates, participating to ISSCR annual meetings, international symposia, and webinars, and being connected with other stem cell scientists.

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