Member Spotlight: Evan Graham, PhD
“What I find most rewarding about this position is the opportunity to use my scientific background, my creative proclivities, and my interpersonal skills in equal measure to help my fellow employees reach their fullest potential”.
Member Spotlight: Anne Rios, PhD
“I am in science because of my artistic side. Looking through a microscope during one of my first internships and getting a beautiful view of the biological sample underneath, something clicked and I knew that I wanted to use imaging to not only drive scientific discovery, but also to generate stunning images that can engage the public and inspire the next generation of scientists”.
Member Spotlight: Stephanie Protze, PhD
“I think the most rewarding aspect of the work that we all do in the stem cell field is the potential to move our discoveries into the clinic and improve the life of patients one day. Knowing this gives me a lot of motivation”.
Member Spotlight: Fiona Watt, PhD
“I am studying the stem cells of human epidermis, focusing on how cells exit from the stem cell compartment. What is most rewarding at present is validating our experimental observations using single cell RNA seq data from the Human Cell Atlas”.
Member Spotlight: Allon Klein, PhD
“It is hard for me to choose just a single most-rewarding aspect to our work. Probably it is the privilege of working with a brilliant, diverse, and compassionate group of lab members”.
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